
This rule enforces newlines between tags.

How to use

module.exports = {
  rules: {
    "@html-eslint/element-newline": "error",

Rule Details

Examples of incorrect code for this rule:


Examples of correct code for this rule:



This rule has an object option:

  1. "skip": skips newline checking for the specified elements` children.
  2. "inline": instructs the linter that the specified elements can remain on the same line.
"@html-eslint/element-newline": ["error", {
  "skip": Array<string>


You can specify list of tag names in the skip option. Newline checking is not performed on children of the specified tags.

Examples of correct code for the { "skip": ["pre", "code"] } option:



You can specify list of tag names in the inline option. Newlines are not enforced between the specified tags. As a shortcut, if you include the special value $inline in the list then all HTML tags that are usually inline (as defined by Mozilla) will be included.

Examples of correct code for the { "inline": ["$inline"] } option:

    I <strong>like</strong> these <dfn>inline</dfn> tags.
    <p>It's <em>true</em>!</p>