Getting Started


  1. Node.js: ^12.22.0 || ^14.17.0 || >=16.0.0.
  2. ESLint: >=6.


  1. npm
npm install --save-dev eslint @html-eslint/parser @html-eslint/eslint-plugin
  1. yarn
yarn add -D eslint @html-eslint/parser @html-eslint/eslint-plugin


Flat config

If you are using the ESLint Flat config, see examples below.

Minimal configuration

import html from "@html-eslint/eslint-plugin";

export default [
  // your own configurations.
    // recommended configuration included in the plugin
    files: ["**/*.html"],

or if using require(..);

const html = require("@html-eslint/eslint-plugin");

module.exports = [
  // your own configurations.
    // recommended configuration included in the plugin
    ... html.configs["flat/recommended"],
    files: ["**/*.html"],
import html from "@html-eslint/eslint-plugin";

export default [
  // your own configurations.
    // recommended configuration included in the plugin
    files: ["**/*.html"],
    rules: {
      ...html.configs["flat/recommended"].rules, // Must be defined. If not, all recommended rules will be lost
      "@html-eslint/indent": "error",

or if using require(..);

const html = require("@html-eslint/eslint-plugin");

module.exports = [
  // your own configurations.
    // recommended configuration included in the plugin
    files: ["**/*.html"],
    rules: {
      ...html.configs["flat/recommended"].rules, // Must be defined. If not, all recommended rules will be lost
      "@html-eslint/indent": "error",

Explicit plugin and parser configuration

import html from "@html-eslint/eslint-plugin";
import htmlParser from "@html-eslint/parser";

export default [
  // your own configurations.
    // recommended configuration included in the plugin
    files: ["**/*.html"],
    plugins: {
      "@html-eslint": html,
    languageOptions: {
      parser: htmlParser,

or if using require(..);

const html = require("@html-eslint/eslint-plugin");
const htmlParser = require("@html-eslint/parser");

module.exports = [
  // your own configurations.
    // recommended configuration included in the plugin
    files: ["**/*.html"],
    plugins: {
      "@html-eslint": html,
    languageOptions: {
      parser: htmlParser,

eslintrc config (.eslintrc.*)

Populate it with the following on your .eslintrc.js. If it does not exist create a .eslintrc.js config file in the root of your project. We can apply HTML-ESLint plugin rules to only HTML files(*.html) by using overrides in .eslintrc.js. (see ESLint Configuration)

module.exports = {
  plugins: ["@html-eslint"],
  overrides: [
      files: ["*.html"],
      parser: "@html-eslint/parser",
      extends: ["plugin:@html-eslint/recommended"],

Editor Configuration


To get vscode-eslint support, we need to add the following in vscode settings.

  "eslint.enable": true,
  "eslint.validate": [
    "javascript", // ...
    "html" // Add "html" to enable linting `.html` files.